Peoplesoft Generic Interview Questions and Answers
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Peoplesoft Interview Questions and Answers listed below.
1. What is an ERP?
It is a process of integrated flow of Information, which binds on the organization together.
2. What is an ERP system?
It is an integrated application software module providing operational, managerial and strategic Information for improving productivity, quality and quantity to improve competence.
3. Describe the Life Cycle of a Project (ERP Implementation)?
The Project passes through the following stages.
1. Analysis
2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance.
4. Define People Tools?
A Collection of software programs, utility scripts and (reports, messages, Cobol SQL statements, database tables and data that provide the frame work for creating, using and modifying people soft applications. People tools provide built in business functionally and maintains the capability that directly increase productivity and simplify system design.
5. What does Application Designer mean?
It is an integrated development environment that is used to develop People soft applications.
6. Functionality of Application Designer?
The following are the uses of Application Designer.
1. Design and create database tables.
2. Design on-line panels
3. Controlling on-line processing flow.
4. Create application windows and menus
5. Providing security for the database.
7. Difference between Two-tier and Three-tier architecture?
Incase of three-tier architecture an application server is connected between the database server (Back end) and the client (front end).
Incase of two-tier architecture the server is directly connected to the client.
8. Advantages of three-tier architecture?
The advantages of three-tier configuration are…
1. Reduce the LAN traffic.
2. Built-in functionality
3. Increase the productivity.
4. No SQL at the client level.
5. Improved performance over WAN.
6. Increased Scalability. (regardless of the number of users connected you can maintain constant performance level)
9. What is a project?
User defined collection of related definitions (fields, records, panels, panelgroups and menus).
10. What are the steps for building an application?
The following are the steps to create application designer.
1. Defining an application.
2. Create field definition.
3. Create Record definition using the fields.
4. Create SQL table.
5. Create Panel.
6. Add panel to the panel group.
7. Add panel group to the Menu.
8. Authorize operators to access Pan.
9. Test.